Welcome to Operation Telic

Operation Telic by Tim Ripley

Welcome to Operation Telic.co.uk

This website is dedicated to advancing understanding the involvement of Britain’s armed forces in the Iraq conflict between 2003 and 2009. It is the fruit of more than 10 years work visiting Iraq and studying Operation Telic.

There is much still to be learnt about Britain’s most unpopular recent war. Your feed back and contributions would be very welcome.

Tim Ripley
June 2014

Learn More about Tim Ripley’s Operation Telic Book

• Operation Telic Outline [PDF]

• 16 Air Assault Brigade at War Chapter [PDF]

• Would you like to invite Tim Ripley to speak about Operation Telic? Click here

• Would you like to invite to Tim Ripley to participate in media events about Operation Telic? Click here

• Click here to to bid for publishing rights

• Click here to pre-order the e-book edition

• Click here to order hi-definition versions of Tim Ripley’s Operation Telic photographs